Sunday 27 April 2014

Studio:Dirtying down

Product used: kryolan colour tube,supracolour palette, fake dirt, dry shampoo, coloured hairspray.
Blackened teeth

Portfolio | Chloe Louisa. 2014. Portfolio | Chloe Louisa. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 April 2014].
Open mouth and dry with a cotton bud
Apply black onto the tooth and keep the lip up to allow the colour to dry.

Shade around the edges of the teeth gives more effect.

Dirtying down
Moistures the skin area you want to create dirt on.
Rub fake dirt or can use coloured hairspray to make the skin darken.
Apply some water or moisturizer to make it look greasy
Spray dry shampoo to make it dull 

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