Monday 5 May 2014


For this unit, make up in motion that i have learned a lot new skills for creating a Gothic horror look.
although my whole outcomes, it went quite success.but through the design progress i do stuck sometime.
for example when i try to creating miss Havisham make up, because she is a old lady, i was tried a lots times to get her skin tone right and the winkle on her face and shading, the final look wasn't that bad, if i recreate her make again i will created more detail  on her face, like the eye make up, also i have to create a wig for my character, because my model she got short hair, cant do nothing much on her hair, so i designed a wig, i thought it gone be hard for me to create a wig, but when i coming cross to create the wig, it went quite well, is a challenge for me, am quite impress, i think my Estella went really good, the out come am really happy with it.when i coming cross design Claudia and Quentin , i really enjoyed,and the outcome looks quite well, but i will do more research and pick up more idea of Gothic elements  if i create those two characters again.

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